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Selectmen Minutes 06/10/2004
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – June 10, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen:  Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier, Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes

Department Heads:
6:00 – Cemetery Trustees –  Bob Plourde, was the only Trustee who was present; Maintenance, Frank Pelkey was also present for the discussion – Selectmen requested the Trustees to attend the meeting to discuss cemetery matters.  Selectman Brooks reviewed the RSA 287:  which governs the Trustee duties.   It was agreed there is a bit of ambiguity within the RSA and that it would appear it is the responsibility of the Trustees to obtain and oversee the cemeteries.  Some recent concerns have arisen; Selectmen discussed those concerns with Mr. Plourde.
Pump House & Pump – Mr. Pelkey reported that the water tank has fallen through the floor of the pump house. Mr. Pelkey further stated that he would fix the floor, the pipe and get the water operational again. Mr. Pelkey stated the water has been hooked up and further that he will pick up the necessary parts in the morning to do the repairs.  Pelkey stated he would put some plywood down and fix the pipe, basically get it operational.  Mr. Plourde indicated that the trustees are aware that the pump house needs repairs and they intend to put it out to bid.  It could be as simple as a pole shed with a dirt floor.  Selectman Brooks asked when the trustees would be addressing this?   Plourde had indicated that the trustees will be addressing the fences and the other maintenance issues this year, they will be placing the work that is needed out for estimates.  The work will be completed in 2005.  
Burials – Lengthy discussion followed regarding the procedure for notifying the town when there is a burial.  When does the Town get notified?  What is the process?  Plourde explained the Cemetery Custodian is supposed to notify the Town Clerk with a burial receipt.    Mr. Phil Woodbury has been the caretaker since the 1940’s; he has been less than cooperative with regards to reporting to the town of deaths and/or burials.  Discussion followed; Consideration will be given to not allow a grave to be dug until the town receives a notification of the death.  If this
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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2004
cannot be rectified, then we will recommend having the town dig the hole and not an outside company.  Selectmen are in favor of Trustees maintaining up-to-date burial records, including but not limited to notifying the town of the burial.  If someone wants to dispose of a cremation, that is considered a burial?    Plourde asked if the BOS going to contact Terry Knowles regarding this matter.   Selectmen would like to see the issue resolved without contacting the Attorney General’s office.  Plourde indicated that he would contact the gravedigger, who in turn will be able to have a positive influence over Mr. Woodbury.
Damaged Stone Wall – the stonewall which was repaired in 2002 is in need of repair, the cost is unsure at this time.  The Town had a contract with Mel Hudson indicating that there is a 10-year guarantee for his work.  The Selectmen will contact Mr. Hudson.  Some of the repairs that are needed are cement has fallen of the face of the stonewall & the capstone seals are in need of repair.  There are quite a few capstones needing repair.  
Plastic Flowers – Discussion followed regarding whose responsibility it is to remove them.  There is a policy of no plastic flowers.  Someone needs to remove them.   Plourde indicated that Fox could assign this job to Pelkey, who could remove them and take them directly to recycling.  This will be suggested to Fox.  
7:15ish – Treasurer & Oak Park Committee – Treasurer, Aaron Kullgren, Oak Park Committee member, John Hopkins were present. Kullgren had asked to be on the agenda to discuss ways of tracking monies etc.   Kullgren stated he wanted a clearer understanding of cash collections and how they work.  Hopkins explained that wrist bands are purchased, counted and those who provide canned goods receive $1.00 off their admission charge to the Blue – B- Que.  Of course, the number of canned goods some bring may vary; sometimes there are those who bring one can others bring 4 or 5 cans, that portion of the money is not as easy to track.  With regards to the other money, Hopkins explained there are different bags for the various money-making portions of the event (i.e. t-shirts, food, soda, entry fees).  That is how they are able to track the funds and to determine if there is enough food, t-shirts etc.  Selectmen & Treasurer were satisfied with the explanation.  Anyone who wants to volunteer was encouraged to do so.    

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2004

No appointments are scheduled
On – going matters:
Downtown Project –  
·       Punchlist with Mr. Lou DeGrandpre, VanDyke Construction – A revised punchlist was provided by Keith Pratt today, copies have been provided to all three Selectmen.  Selectmen reviewed the punchlist.
·       Mrs. Waterhouse is not happy with her driveway – discussion followed
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update – no update at this time

Other Business:
Minutes -  Selectmen accepted the minutes of May 27th    &    June 3, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P & Invoices
·       State Inspection Station for Motorcycles – Shepherd Auto –Any update on this?  We have not yet received a report from Peter. Deb was asked to contact Peter to see where he stands on this.
·       Letters to Jeremy Gagnon, Medrick Racicot, Aasta Torsen & Uli Koch
Mail –  
·       Letter from NHDES to Eugene Hennessey – Selectmen would like to have the police on a weekly round to keep an eye on the area beyond the cul-de-sac and to further report to the Board if any work takes place.
·       Legal Correspondence from Ransmeir & Spellman
·       Misc. Brochures were reviewed

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2004

Barn Preservation –  A Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, June 17, 2004 at 6:00 pm to discuss the application for a Barn Preservation Easement Application, submitted by Aasta Torsen-Schneider & Uli Koch.  Their barn is located on East Road.  Selectman Rainier met with someone from the Town of Peterborough and discussed their procedures.  Selectmen will be asking several questions.  Selectmen would like to have the property tax card for this lot next week, as well as a breakdown of how this abatement would/could impact taxpayers.
Mtg. House Cleaning – Reverend Osgood & Judy Ierlan met with Deb during the week; they proposed the Church take over the cleaning of the Meeting House.  The Church sees it as a financial savings for both.  They will be sending a written proposed contract for Selectmen to review.  Basically, they would do a general cleaning; all the floors, sweeping, dusting, vacuum & windows 1 time/year. We would need to be more diligent about checking the hall after functions.   They are informing you of this proposal now, to let you think about it before they actually send the written proposal.
Replacement Windows – Has a decision been made on the windows?  At this time, we will do three windows in the Document Office.   Deb will contact Window Master to discuss a date they can begin; a letter will be available for Selectmen next week.
Boston Post Cane – Doris Mason and/or Irene Davis – Discussion followed regarding whether or not the Selectmen should attend the presentation of the cane.  Deb was instructed to contact the Historical Society, Jane Winslow to discuss if they would be available to present the replica?  This needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.
National Day of Mourning – We were notified, tomorrow is a National Day of Mourning in honor of Ronald Reagan.  Do employees take the day off?   It is supposed to be recognized by all governmental employees, post offices, banks etc. will be closed.  Selectmen unanimously voted No...The Town Employees can recognize the day with a personal day if they choose.
Cable – Discussion followed regarding high-speed Internet access and if it will ever be in Greenfield, as well as why cable is not in Greenfield at this time.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Thursday, June 17 at 5:45 pm.